The church council met to discuss the reopening of our church. Based on the state moving into Phase 2 and Governor Cooper’s ban on churches conducting services being overturned by a judge, the church council discussed the process of starting to conduct in person services again. This is a constantly evolving situation and hopefully we will be able to continue to worship in person moving forward, however if the situation worsens we can always go back to online sermons.
As of right now, the plan is to conduct our first face to face service on Sunday, June 7th. In order to practice the CDC guidelines (please click this link for CDC recommendations for safety) of social distancing, we will conduct 2 services. Services will be conducted at 9:30 and 11:00. We will be asking you to sign up for your preferred time to attend church if you would like to attend in person. More information will be forthcoming on how to select the service time you would like to attend. We will continue to have the services recorded on the church website and church YouTube channel for those who wish to stay home.
We will be limiting the number of members who can attend each service, and you will also notice some other changes in order to protect the health of our members. Some of the changes you will notice are as follows:
1. Every other pew will be blocked off to practice social distancing
2. Offering plates will be placed at the front and rear of the sanctuary for donations.
3. Hand sanitizer will be placed throughout the building.
4. The Outlet and nursery will be cancelled until further notice.
5. We will no longer have Holy Chaos.
6. You are encouraged to wear a face covering and we will have a few available.
7. The choir will be suspended for the near future.
We will also be practicing good personal hygiene and cleaning/ disinfecting practices. After each service pews, bathrooms, and high touch points will be cleaned will be wiped down with disinfectant.
Of course, if you are not ready to attend in person or have underlying health conditions, we strongly encourage you to remain home and watch the service on the church website.
We also ask that if you have any of the symptoms identified by the CDC (please click this link for a list of symptoms from the CDC) , please stay home. These include but are not limited too a fever, cough, body aches, and upset stomach. If you are sick, please stay home.
Finally, please remember to continue to donate to the church. Even though the building has not been open for in person services, we still have a facility that must be maintained and unfortunately the bills continue to come in. Please remember to use the online donation or you can continue to send a check.
We look forward to getting to worship with our church family again.
Hunter Smothers
Church Council President