MUCC’s Women’s Fellowship is open to all women of the church and community. The Fellowship meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7 PM in the church Fellowship Hall (see upcoming meeting dates below). The meeting consists of a business meeting conducted by the Fellowship president and a program and refreshments provided by members. The monthly program is part of a year-long theme with supporting materials.
The MUCC Women’s Fellowship is active in support of many organizations through contributions both monetary and donations. as well as our own church.
Some of the many organizations and projects supported by the MUCC Women’s Fellowship are the following:
-Blowing Rock Conference Center, Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox project, Emily Lester Scholarship Fund, Greensboro Youth for Christ, Uplands Retirement, Habitat for Humanity, Hannah’s Haven, Hospice, James Lightbourne Scholarship, John’s River Valley Camp, Nazareth Child and Family Connection, Greeensboro Pregnancy Center, and Urban Ministry
-Monthly church cleaning
-Breakfast buffet for MUCC Men’s Fellowship
-Summit Rotary Club Annual Picnic (September/October)
Mrs. Pumpkin’s Product Sale (November)
2023-2024 MUCC Women’s Fellowship Officers: President – Laura Smith, Vice-Preseident – Susan Smith, Secretary – Patsy Smith, Treasurer – Carol Rudd, Key Member – Clyda Johnson
2023-2024 Meeting Dates: August 2, September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6 (Christmas Party), January 3, February 7, March 6, April 3, May 1, June 5