Watch the Christmas Navtivity Program Again!
The Christmas Nativity Program was so much fun this year! The readings, songs, and costumes made for an extra special evening. If you would like to enjoy the program again, copy and past the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osx-ByFJOyI
Fall Events @ MCC
We have a busy fall with lots of event on the horizon! September 14: Men’s Fellowship & Breakfast 8:00-9:00 am September 29: 115th Homecoming – There will be a covered dish meal to follow the 11:00 worship service. Reverend Dr. Greg Bouck will be our speaker. We hope to have our meal in our newly constructed Community Outreach Center. October 5: 16 Cents…
16 Cents Church Under the Bridge Meal, Music, & Message
The members of MCC will again be providing the meal, music and message for the 16 Cents Ministry Church Under the Bridge homeless ministry on Saturday, April 6. Join members to help bring the love of Jesus along to the homeless community in Greensboro. You may either meet at the church at 4:30 pm…
Blanket Sunday February 25
Our children will take the lead on letting the congregation know how their donations will benefit others around the world by supporting Church World Service Blanket Sunday. This program provides blankets and other life-saving supplies for people around the world when devistation, such as tornadoes, wildfires, earthquakes, strike an area. Members and guests may make…
“Soup”er Bowl Sunday February 11
Come out and enjoy a delicious soup/sandwich lunch and raise money for the needy in our community. Church members will prepare a plethora of soups, sandwiches and desserts for the cost of a donation. Funds raised will be donated to the free food pantrys at Locus Grove Methodist Church and Fair Grove Methodist Church. Come out for a warm meal and help the needy in our…
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Come celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ at our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 11:00 pm. This service will consist of scripture readings, congregational carols, special solos and concludes by taking the our lit candles outside to be the light of the world.
Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway
150 Thanksgiving dinners will be given away to those in need in our community. This event will be Saturday, November 18 at 9:00 am. The meal will consist of a frozen turkey, green beans, stuffing, cranberry sauce and a pie. This is a first come, first served event.
Men’s Fellowship and Breakfast
The Monticello Church Men’s Fellowship will meet on Saturday, October 14 at 8:00 am. A breakfast buffet will be followed by a guest speaker.
Mrs. Pumpkin’s Products Sale
The Monticello Church Women’s Fellowship will again be selling Mrs. Pumpkin’s products. Funds raised are used to support local organizations such as Hannah’s Haven, Greensboro Youth for Christ and Greensboro Urban Ministry. This sale will take place in November. More details will follow.
Mother’s Day Breakfast
The men of the church will be preparing breakfast for all the women of the church on Sunday, May 14. This event will begin at 9:30 and Sunday School will be canceled. All women of the church are invited.
Congratulations Rev. Dr. Greg Bouck
Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Greg Bouck! On May 5, he received his Doctorate of Ministry in Biblical Studies from Anderson University. Our church celebrated with Pastor Greg, his wife Nancy and several family members on May 7 with a spcial message from Pastor Ralph Clayton and a covered dish lunch after the worship service. We are so proud of you Pastor Greg!
MUCC Feeds Local Homeless at 16 Cents Church Under the Bridge
On April 1, a group of faithful servants from MUCC helped feed the homeless in Greensboro both physically and spiritually at the 16 Cents Church Under the Bridge service. The evening began with the MUCC members serving a meal of bar-b-q, slaw, baked beans, rolls, and a sweet treat while our praise…