Posts by scwagner1983
2020 Operation Christmas Child
MUCC participates in the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child each year. 2020 is a difficult year for all of us, but it has hit impoverished families and under-developed nations particularly hard. Operation Christmas Child take donated shoeboxes full of Christmas gifts and distributes them to children in need all over the world. This year, MUCC families sent…
2nd Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway
On the morning of November 21st, MUCC members gathered to distribute 100 Thanksgiving meals to community members in need. Each meal feeds a family of five and included a frozen turkey Families began lining up at 7:30 and all of the meals were distributed by 9:45. MUCC looks forward to continuing this tradition in 2021.
Church Council votes to Suspend In-Person Services
At the monthly Church Council meeting on November 18, the Council discussed the rising number of positive COVID-19 tests and increased number of hospitalizations in Guilford County. The council discussed all available options at length. With a great amount of concern for at-risk congregants and…
November 2020 Newsletter
October 2020 Newsletter
September 2020 Newsletter
August 2020 Newsletter
July 2020 Newsletter
June 2020 Newsletter
MUCC Church Council Statement on Resuming Services
The church council met to discuss the reopening of our church. Based on the state moving into Phase 2 and Governor Cooper’s ban on churches conducting services being overturned by a judge, the church council discussed the process of starting to conduct in person services again. This is a…